Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dating VIA Skype

Well, there are several new forms of dating out there – from Dating in the Dark to Dating via SKYPE. What does the Diva Dating Coach think about this?

I say WHATEVER WORKS! Try anything and everything (short of illegal or immoral activity) to help find The One You Can Love. The whole dating in the dark thing is just for television. There is no way that situation would really play out in the real world. But dating via Skype is practical and useful, especially if you are open to dating someone long distance.

Here is how it works, one member of the opposite sex meets with three of the other sex over SKYPE to chat about various issues or topics to see if there is any chemistry. Afterwards the person chooses the one that he/she had the most interest or chemistry with for a real date.

I don't see anything wrong with this type of set-up. It saves you time and money and nothing is lost if you don't want a real date with the person. I think this will probably catch on and more people will start doing the webcam/skype type dates before they will agree to meet someone in person.

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